Request a tutor overview

How to request a tutor on Kadama

1. Tap the Icon

2. Select the subject you would like to get tutoring for

3. Enter specific details

  • Select the specific subject you want tutoring for
  • Select where you would like to meet the tutor (online option will be through the in-app calling feature)
  • Set the urgency for when you want to meet the tutor
  • Set the hourly rate you would pay the tutor
  • Enter the subject and description of specific details and expectations you have for tutors

4. Click confirm (tutors will respond back with offers)

How to respond to a message from a tutor

When you get a message from a tutor, you will get a notification on your phone and you can access the messaging tab by simply tapping on it. The other way to get to the messaging tab is to do the following:

1. Click the icon

2. Click "message"

How to pay a tutor

1. Click the icon

2. Click "message"

3. Select the ‘$’ icon